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Horse Logo
- 1 or 2 horses
- with background
- every extra detail (hat, animal, ...) -> 3-10€
Story pack
- story background with text
- highlights covers
- story stickers (every sticker is extra price) -> 2-5€
feed edits
- 1 feed edit
- hair, light effects, ...
- 4-3 edits per month (Abo) -> 15€
homepage pack
- headings
- cluboutfit edit
- clubhorse edit
(if you want some extras feel free to ask)
Examples with prices:
Horse Logos:

1 Horse - 5€
2 Horses - 10€
Story pack:

Story pack - 8€
Feed edit:

every sticker 1 - 5€

1 Edit - 5€
Feed edit Abo - 15€
Homepage pack:

Homepage pack - 10€

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